“On 12 February, 1979, a quiet, shy young woman walked into my studio for the first time. She was the nude model for my photography class that evening. She said that she was a dancer, her name was Madonna Ciccone.”
pandele, sculele si revolutia…
ce au toate astea in comun? Pai… Andrei Pandele este unul dintre fotografii buni ai Romaniei, Bricostore este un magazin de scule iar revolutia este celebra revolutie de care unii dintre noi, mai tineri, abia ne mai aducem aminte. Daca inca nu vedeti legatura, atunci v-o spun direct: In Bricostore Orhideea puteti vedea o expozitie foto cu imagini de la Revolutia din 1989, fotografii semnate Andrei Pandele.
Why Annie Leibovitz is so well known?
To take a picture of John Lennon a few hours before he will die, do you think it is a good reason?
I have Che Guevara on my t-shirt
This portrait is probably the most well known portrait in the world.
new on alexgalmeanu.com
this is a small update on alexgalmeanu.com. a few new pictures were added
The Robert Capa’s D-Day
just milliseconds before death
This man is not dead yet but he will be in the next few milliseconds.
marilyn monroe’s rejected pictures
An initially unwanted picture proves to be famous
the most expensive picture
Atomic Bomb…. brrrr
“Ever wondered what an atomic blast looks like before it obliterates everything around it?