Acum ceva timp am fost invitat sa fac parte din juriul concursului “Find the Absolut Shape” si sa expun, in afara concursului, fotografii legate de forma celebrei sticle. Lucrurile s-au concretizat ieri atunci cand a avut loc evenimentul de premiere. Fotografiile au fost expuse alaturi de imagini realizate de alte nume cunoscute (Alexandru Paul, Gheorghe Serban, Cosmin Gogu, etc.) Despre eveniment in sine nu o sa va povestesc, sunt convins ca o sa cititi suficiente posturi in zilele urmatoare. – site upgrade
Redecorat si revizuit, site-ul meu a luat o noua forma. Pagina are un nou engine ce promite o navigare mai usoara dar in primul rand mai rapida. Aplicatia incarca in background imaginile din seria ce este vizualizata asa ca timpii de asteptare se reduc. More on update
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Din motive umanitare…
Daca tot am lucrat la o campanie umanitara, ma gandesc ca e bine sa imi fac treaba pana la capat si sa public printurile. Poate ajuta…
Where this picture was made? update
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Beyond a simple portrait
Alex Galmeanu – Self-portrait
I have fun considering this self-portrait far more than a portrait. It is truly deep and complete. It is like you are’nt see only a face, only the surface but you are entering deep into the soul. When you are going to shoot a portrait, you are really want to discover the personality of the subject, to describe it as better as possible. I wonder if the form of the brain helps or not. :)
big update on
I’m glad to announce you an important portfolio update on my main site More than 30 new pictures and some new categories. have fun :)
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Gaia Bar&Lounge interior decoration
You have to see this, 9 by 1,5 meters backlighted picture. It is huge and it is sharp enouh to count the lashes. Go to 40-44 Banu Andronache Street in Bucharest and have a drink there.