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Din motive umanitare…
Daca tot am lucrat la o campanie umanitara, ma gandesc ca e bine sa imi fac treaba pana la capat si sa public printurile. Poate ajuta…
Dupa 31 de ani…
Azi am avut ceva timp liber si mi-am propus sa il petrec intr-un mod util. Avand in minte marcantele imagini ale lui Dan Vartanian din Bucurestiul anilor 1976 am scos aparatul de fotografiat in intentia de a constata diferentele. Pentru relevanta, am incercat sa pastrez cat mai mult din atmosfera si incadratura originala. Fotografiile sunt facute pe Calea Calarasilor intre Sfanta Vineri si Hala Traian. Sunt convins ca rezultatul este interesant pentru multi dintre voi asa ca have fun :)
Where this picture was made? update
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Beyond a simple portrait
Alex Galmeanu – Self-portrait
I have fun considering this self-portrait far more than a portrait. It is truly deep and complete. It is like you are’nt see only a face, only the surface but you are entering deep into the soul. When you are going to shoot a portrait, you are really want to discover the personality of the subject, to describe it as better as possible. I wonder if the form of the brain helps or not. :)
big update on
I’m glad to announce you an important portfolio update on my main site More than 30 new pictures and some new categories. have fun :)
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Gaia Bar&Lounge interior decoration
You have to see this, 9 by 1,5 meters backlighted picture. It is huge and it is sharp enouh to count the lashes. Go to 40-44 Banu Andronache Street in Bucharest and have a drink there.
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Contact Sheets from “people I know”
Like I suppose you must know, a picture it is not a single picture. Usually the final picture is chose from an entire series of images. These are a few contact sheets of known “people I know” exhibition pictures.