Asa au intrat rusii in Bucuresti. In camioanele acelea sunt 45 de ani de saracie, crime, tragedii, vieti distruse si sperante spulberate. Plus inca 20 de ani de tranzitie, hotie, smecherie, manelisme si prostie. Vad cativa localnici entuziasmati. Saracii, nu stiau ce ii asteapta.
Amintiri din ’41
In 1941 nemtii se plimbau prin Bucuresti ca prin propria lor casa. Proaspat aliati, au devenit o prezenta fireasca in viata orasului. Multi dintre ei aveau aparate de fotografiat si le foloseau ori de cate ori aveau ocazia. Zilele trecut am primit un astfel de lot de fotografii extrase din almumul privat al unul militar german.
Parada militara in 1941
Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej’s Funerals
Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej was the first Communist leader of Romania from 1948 until his death in 1965. Officially he died of liver cancer but there are rumors that he was intentionally irradiated during a visit in Moscow. Some believe that his regime was worst than Ceausescu’s period in terms of repression policies.
23rd of August Military Parade
I found these pictures in my father archive. I supposeĀ that the imagesĀ are made in 1952 or 53. This is an 23rd o of august military parade (the national day in the Romanian communist era). The pictures are shoot in Saint Gheorghe Square (this is between Unirii and Universitate Square).