Ilie Nastase out for auction

I’m happy to announce that one of my pictures depicting the tennis legend Ilie Nastase is out for an auction at Artmark. The print is beautifully printed at gallery/museum standards, on a size of 70 by 60 cm, rolled on D-bond. As a limited print edition, this particular image is the first piece from the limit of 10.

The piece is a part of a larger photographic collection that will be auctioned today, along with images picturing other international legends like Joseph Beuys, David Hockney, Emil Cioran, Mircea Eliade, and others. 

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Fotografiile mele la Artmark – Licitatia de Arta Postbelica si Contemporana

Sunt incantat sa va anunt de faptul ca doua dintre fotografiile mele sunt incluse in “Licitatia de Arta Postbelica si Contemporana” care va fi organizata de Artmark in data de 25 februarie 2020. Cadrul este deosebit de onorant pentru mine, avand in vedere ca lotul propus spre licitatie include nume importante ale artei contemporane romanesti (Baba, Ghenie, Câlția, Ilfoveanu, alaturi de multi altii).

Experintele mele anterioare la acest tip de licitatii au fost “sold out”, in masura in care aveti nevoie de motive suplimentare pentru a participa la licitatie. Imaginile pot fi gasite aici si aici.