ce au toate astea in comun? Pai… Andrei Pandele este unul dintre fotografii buni ai Romaniei, Bricostore este un magazin de scule iar revolutia este celebra revolutie de care unii dintre noi, mai tineri, abia ne mai aducem aminte. Daca inca nu vedeti legatura, atunci v-o spun direct: In Bricostore Orhideea puteti vedea o expozitie foto cu imagini de la Revolutia din 1989, fotografii semnate Andrei Pandele.
to stand in a queue philosophy
The queue, this was the big philosophy of the Romanian communism. It was an ordinary thing for everybody to stand in a queue for something those days
Unirii Square in 1967
Again for those who know the Bucharest very well and are old enough to remember (this is not my case:)), this is the old Unirii Square with Hanul lui Manuc in the background and Unirii Market in the left. Continue reading “Unirii Square in 1967”
old bucharest view
For those who know Bucharest well enough, this must be a very interesting picture. This is Sfanta Vineri Square with Sfanta Vineri Church (Holy Friday Church) on the left, demolished by the Romanian dictator Ceausescu in 19.06.1987 Continue reading “old bucharest view”