Of course, If you’re following this blog you already know the story of the 42 years old lost film I found inside a camera I had recently bought. You may also know that a part of the mystery has been solved, as the family pictured in ’74 stepped forward, contacting BBC. There is some news I want to share with you: today, The Sun photographed Kathleen Bremner in the original place of the wedding, on the very steps we saw her in the old images. Kathleen, now in her 60’s, said this is the first time returning at the site after the wedding. Continue reading “The Lost Film – Kathleen Bremner, the bride from the lost film, photographed by The Sun, plus more media coverage”
The lost film – Mystery solved by the BBC!
It was quite an amazing day, a truly media-storm on the lost film story. Everything was incredibly fast developed, and the mystery is now solved. After the story was spread in a big part of the UK media (BBC, BBC Radio, STV, The Sun, Daily Mail, The Huffington Post, among others), dozens of people contacted the BBC to suggest where the photos were taken, including several who identified the Burleigh Court Hotel in Gloucestershire, as the place of the wedding. Soon after, a family has contacted the BBC to say they are the subjects of a series of mysterious wedding photographs. Continue reading “The lost film – Mystery solved by the BBC!”
The lost film – published in Daily Mail
You probably remember the last week story about the 40+ years old lost undeveloped negative roll-film I found inside an old photographic camera, from which I was able to recover 10 quite nice images. The story was published today in the Scottish Daily Mail newspaper (30 November 2016 issue, page no. 27), hopefully a step closer in the quest to find the owners of this lost film.
S. Korn, Sf. Vineri – 1970, 1982, 2009 si cutremurul din ’77
Masini de fite si femei in 1974
Preluare www.muzeuldefotografie.ro. Avem o prima imagine propusa de unul din vizitatorii site-ului. Fotografia este realizata de Cristian Malide in vara anului 1974 la Intercontinental cu vedre spre Piata Universitatii. Este interesant ca surprinde foarte bine contrastele din acea vreme (prezente si astazi in multe cazuri). In stanga, parcate in fata Inter-ului avem masini de fite, straini cu bani si femeile din dotare iar in partea dreapta in departare cateva automobile modeste ale localnicilor si autobuze populare. Continuare pe www.muzeuldefotografie.ro
Dupa 31 de ani…
Azi am avut ceva timp liber si mi-am propus sa il petrec intr-un mod util. Avand in minte marcantele imagini ale lui Dan Vartanian din Bucurestiul anilor 1976 am scos aparatul de fotografiat in intentia de a constata diferentele. Pentru relevanta, am incercat sa pastrez cat mai mult din atmosfera si incadratura originala. Fotografiile sunt facute pe Calea Calarasilor intre Sfanta Vineri si Hala Traian. Sunt convins ca rezultatul este interesant pentru multi dintre voi asa ca have fun :)
Cum am ratat Superman
Tocmai ce vazusem “Joe Limonada”, film la care am reusit sa intru cu ajutorul legitimatiei de cineast imprumuata de la tata. Urmatorul pe lista, Superman, anuntat in programul de saptamana urmatoare. Afisul era senzational, am trecut cateva zile la rand prin fata cinematografului Tomis doar ca sa il vad. Parca imi aduc aminte, pe strada dintre biserica si tribunal, mai mergeam un pic si eram acolo. Visam cu ochii deschisi, imaginatia mea de copil o lua razna vazand numai afisul.
4 martie 1977
Cu Henri Cartier-Bresson prin… Drumul Taberei
Cum ar fi fost sa il vedeti cu aparatul la ochi pe aleile din Drumul Taberei sau mai bine in magazinul Big Berceni din Piata Sudului. Pai daca ati fi fost ceva mai atenti prin 1975 l-ati fi observat cu siguranta pentru ca Henri Cartier-Bresson a fost in Romania.
Continue reading “Cu Henri Cartier-Bresson prin… Drumul Taberei”