O expunere onoranta

Doina Levinta - Fashion Designer - Bucharest 2003

In data de 16 decembrie 2008 la sediul Ministerului de Externe Francez din Paris a avul loc, in prezenta unor oficali ai ambasadelor tarilor UE, o receptie organizata de Asociatia Bienvenue en France pentru a marca incheierea mandatului francez la presidentia Uniunii Europene. Evenimentul a fost completat si de o expozitie de arta cu opere propuse de fiecare ambasada in parte. Reprezentatii Romaniei au ales sa expuna fotografia de mai sus realizata de mine in 2003.

Printul, cu dimensiunea 150 x 124 cm, face parte din seria “People I Know” si a mai fost expus la Nantes in noiembrie 2007 si Paris in aprilie 2008. Seria “People I Know” a fost expusa in Bucuresti in aprilie 2005.

Galmeanu – since 1920

Foto Sic - Apostol Galmeanu

I’m not the only one photographer of my family, my father and my brother had a lot of “know how” in this field also. But the older photographer of my family (as far as I know) was Apostol Galmeanu, one of my uncles.

Apostol Galmeanu had a photographic studio in Bucharest in 1920, the studio was located on 192 Viitor Street in the year of 1920 and 10 Niculae Tei Street in the year of 1930. So, I have to say that my family has at least 90 years photographic activity background, since 1920.