Am primit zilele trecute o importanta colectie de fotografii, cele mai multe dintre ele mai vechi de un secol. Sunt fascinante, nu doar ca imagini sau vechime ci pur si simplu sunt printre primele imagini fotografice realizate in Romania. Szathmari, Duschek, Mandy, Reiser, Wandelmann sunt nume cunoscute pentru unii dintre voi. Probabil cei interesati stiu ca ei sunt printre pionierii fotografiei romanesti. Tot weekend-ul am stat cu ochii in ele, le-am privit, le-am scanat, mai ca am dormit cu ele in brate… da le-am scanat, adica am fotografiile originale! O parte din imagini sunt datate iar cele mai vechi sunt din anul 1872. Vorbim de mai bine de 135 de ani si arata impecabil. Trebuia sa imi vedeti fata, zambetul trada totul.
Azi am scotocit prin arhiva de negative a familiei si am gasit cateva imagini facute in septembrie 1984. Lucrurile nu s-au schimbat foarte mult de atunci dar detaliile sunt interesante. Batrana Dacie, lipsa aproape totala a traficului, reclamele inexistente sunt cateva dintre ele. Fotografiile sunt facute de tatal meu, Pompiliu Galmeanu.
Bucurestiul vechi – serie noua
Unele sunt cunoscute, altele sunt premiere. Banuiesc ca multi dntre voi vor fi fericiti sa le (re)vada.
Antonescu’s last pictures
I’m sure that some of you already know the pictures and the history of this man but I have to publish these images here anyway. It is very strange for me to see the eyes of a man who will know he will die in the next minutes. In this kind of pictures I really identify the true power of photography. This man died more than 60 years ago but this touching face expression it is still printed and somehow alive.
Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej’s Funerals
Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej was the first Communist leader of Romania from 1948 until his death in 1965. Officially he died of liver cancer but there are rumors that he was intentionally irradiated during a visit in Moscow. Some believe that his regime was worst than Ceausescu’s period in terms of repression policies.
Beyond a simple portrait
Alex Galmeanu – Self-portrait
I have fun considering this self-portrait far more than a portrait. It is truly deep and complete. It is like you are’nt see only a face, only the surface but you are entering deep into the soul. When you are going to shoot a portrait, you are really want to discover the personality of the subject, to describe it as better as possible. I wonder if the form of the brain helps or not. :)
Cu Henri Cartier-Bresson prin… Drumul Taberei
Cum ar fi fost sa il vedeti cu aparatul la ochi pe aleile din Drumul Taberei sau mai bine in magazinul Big Berceni din Piata Sudului. Pai daca ati fi fost ceva mai atenti prin 1975 l-ati fi observat cu siguranta pentru ca Henri Cartier-Bresson a fost in Romania.
Continue reading “Cu Henri Cartier-Bresson prin… Drumul Taberei”
Bucharest under heavy bombing – part two
These images are relatively new on the Internet. It was a little bit shocking for me to see them. I just heard some stories from my grandfather and from some books that the Bucharest was hit in 4th and 15th of April 1944 by American and Britannic planes but I never guessed that it was at this scale.
23rd of August Military Parade
I found these pictures in my father archive. I suppose that the images are made in 1952 or 53. This is an 23rd o of august military parade (the national day in the Romanian communist era). The pictures are shoot in Saint Gheorghe Square (this is between Unirii and Universitate Square).
Contact Sheets from “people I know”
Like I suppose you must know, a picture it is not a single picture. Usually the final picture is chose from an entire series of images. These are a few contact sheets of known “people I know” exhibition pictures.