“99Cent” by Andreas Gursky, chromogenic color print, 81 1/2 by 132 inches, numbered 6/6, 1999 was sold with the amount of 3,3 millions $. The old record was only 2,9 millions $.
what have I done lately (006)
Cristi Chivu – football player – Rome 2007
Cum am ratat Superman
Tocmai ce vazusem “Joe Limonada”, film la care am reusit sa intru cu ajutorul legitimatiei de cineast imprumuata de la tata. Urmatorul pe lista, Superman, anuntat in programul de saptamana urmatoare. Afisul era senzational, am trecut cateva zile la rand prin fata cinematografului Tomis doar ca sa il vad. Parca imi aduc aminte, pe strada dintre biserica si tribunal, mai mergeam un pic si eram acolo. Visam cu ochii deschisi, imaginatia mea de copil o lua razna vazand numai afisul.
Conversatie intre fotografi ;)
Session Start (alex_galmeanu:bumbutz): Tue Mar 20 17:52:10 2007
[17:52] alex_galmeanu: salut
[17:52] bumbutz: sal
[17:53] alex_galmeanu: noutati?
[17:53] bumbutz: da, am lacuit 2 camere si dat jos vopseaua de pe o usa azi:)
Lonely in Rome
what have I done lately (005)
Where this picture was made?
4 martie 1977
what have I done lately (004)
Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima
If you’ll make a top of the world’s most important war pictures, this Pulizer wining image will be on the first place for sure. For Americans, if they have to describe “patriotism” in a single picture, this will be more than enough.