5 minutes video panorama of Bucharest, the capital of Romania, seen from the Sky Tower rooftop (the tallest Romanian building). The edit was made from five different 1080p recordings, mounted together in a single 4K footage.
Ana Ularu (animated gif)
Rain (animated gif)
R.A.C.L.A. Music Video – (D.O.P. by me)
Noul videoclip R.A.C.L.A. “Čšine-te de ea”, la care am participat din postura de D.O.P.
Featured on Photography Served
Sedinta foto cu Printesa Lia, realizata anul trecut pentru revista Cockaigne a fost selectata in Photography Served.
“Photography Served features top work in categories such as commercial photography, product photography and portraiture. The Served curation team chooses projects that move creativity forward in their respective industries, among a host of other top-secret but not-that-difficult-to-guess selection criteria.”
Clouds – animated gif
“Back” to the Beach
Marius Manole in Courrier International
Marius Manole fotografiat de mine, publicat in Courrier International, via Decat o Revista.
Fashion Shoot Glamour 06.2014