The lost film – Mystery solved by the BBC!

BBC on solving the misteryIt was quite an amazing day, a truly media-storm on the lost film story. Everything was incredibly fast developed, and the mystery is now solved. After the story was spread in a big part of the UK media (BBC, BBC Radio, STV, The Sun, Daily Mail, The Huffington Post, among others), dozens of people contacted the BBC to suggest where the photos were taken, including several who identified the Burleigh Court Hotel in Gloucestershire, as the place of the wedding. Soon after, a family has contacted the BBC to say they are the subjects of a series of mysterious wedding photographs. Continue reading “The lost film – Mystery solved by the BBC!”

The lost film – developed after 45 years – Solved!

The lost film

Update! The mystery was solved!

[EN] I’m sure you’ve read somewhere a classical story about a successful recovery of a decades old exposed but undeveloped photographic negative roll-film found inside a similarly old camera brought from a flea market? Yes, that’s true, it had just happened to me too!

Your help is needed to share this to all your British friends. Who knows, maybe someone will hopefully recognise his/ her family, and I’ll have the opportunity to return these images to those entitled to receive them. Continue reading 


[RO] Nu-i asa ca ati citit pe undeva ca in interiorul unui aparat de fototografiat vechi, cumparat din targ, s-a gasit un film expus dar nedevelopat, care, surpriza, la developare, chiar si dupa cateva zeci de ani, a fost recuperat? Ei bine, e adevarat, tocmai ce mi s-a intamplat si mie acest lucru.

Va rog sa distribuiti aceste imagini prietenilor vostri britanici. Cine stie, poate cineva isi va recunoaste familia, iar eu voi avea posibilitatea sa returnez aceste imagini celor in drept sa le primeasca. Continue reading “The lost film – developed after 45 years – Solved!”