Hello, with a new project! Here’s a series I enjoyed photographing, picturing some of the “Young Gentlemen” from Romania, selected by A List Magazine (@alistmagazine). All of them are great performers in their fields—even though they are very young, all of them are under 30. Actually, this is the topic of the magazine article and project: celebrating young performers.
In this context, I photographed the TV host Aris Eram (@arismelkior), the artist Antoniu Tămaș (@tamasantoniu), the actor Vlad Ionuț Popescu (@vladionut.popescu), the chef Szilárd Lőrincz (@szililorincz), the pilot Robert Oană (@10robert24), and the composer and conductor Eduard Dabrowski (@eduard.dabrowski).

The interviews were conducted by Alina Aliman (@alinaaliman), the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine.
The project was powered by the SecretNipple (@secretnipple) team (@iulia.sas, @maracoman, @ralucahagiu), with a concept by Iulia Sas (@iulia.sas).
The styling was made by Irina Hartia (@irinahartia), the make-up by Julia Ganu (@juliaganu / @endorphinlab.ro), hairstyle by Adrian Trif (@adrian_trif / @endorphinlab.ro), photo editing by Adrian Mihaiu (@adrianmihaiu), photo assistance by Catălin Cosmulescu (@catalinmihaicsm), and style assistance by Teo Butoi (@teobutoi).
Special thanks to Andreea Esca (@andreeaesca).
Of course, if you’re visiting cool places in Bucharest (cafés, bars, shops, or elsewhere), ask for the latest issue of A List Magazine (@alistmagazine) and read this interesting article.