In urma cu cateva saptamani am avut ocazia sa vorbesc cu jurnalista Alexandra Cheroiu despre activitatea mea fotografica. Discutia noastra s-a concretizat sub forma unui destul de consistent interviu publicat in Adevarul Literar si Artistic. “Spread”-ul din editia tiparita este amplu, dar versiunea online e chiar mai cuprinzatoare (de citit aici).
It is October, and as you probably already know, it is the month I usually meet Anastasia Olaru for our annual portrait, so here it is.
It all started in October 2003, 18 years ago, when Anastasia entered my studio for the first time. With that occasion, totally unscheduled, I’ve made her a portrait. Luckily, as a coincidence, Anastasia came again to my studio the following year, in October, and I’ve taken her a second portrait, similar to the first one. From that moment, it was clear to me that this could be an exciting project, so we decided to meet each other again every October, for as long as possible, annually repeating this portrait.