Azi am primit un mesaj foarte interesant, un mesaj ce ma convinge ca nimic nu e facut degeaba. Dupa ce a vazut “Primii fotografi din Romania“, Matthias Reiser, nici mai mult nici mai putin decat stra-stranepotul celebrulul fotograf Andreas D. Reiser, a decis sa imi scrie. Reiser a fost, alaturi de Szathmari, Duschek si Mandy, unul dintre pionierii fotografiei romanesti.
Comentariul lui Matthias Reiser este urmatorul: “Just read in your blog about romanian photographs in the 19th century and found some very interestiong information on the photographer A.D. Reiser, my great grandfather. Unfortunately I don’t speak any romanian and therefore can only half-guess some of the information. As in my family little is known about the period my great grandfather spent in Romania (about 1872-1883) I am very interested to know more about what might me left of his work in Bucharest. He later went to Alexandria, Egypt. His son, my grandfather continued his atelier until 1914 in Alexandria and then in Munich, Germany, where A.D. Reiser had originally come from. I would be happy to hear from you. Best wishes, Matthias”
Ma gandesc la faptul ca il putem ajuta asa ca spread the word. Daca sunt printre voi pasionati, invatati, profesori, academicieni sau pur si simplu aveti informatii despre celebrul fotograf, sunteti mai mult decat bineveniti sa le postati dar in engleza, stranepotul e neamt :).
O sa incep tot eu cu raspunsul pentru pesajul primit:
Hello Matthias, what a surprise !!! I’m very happy to read your message. A.D. Reiser was one of the few well known photographers in Romania in that era. Along with Szathmari, Duschek and Mandy he wrote the first pages of the Romanian photographic history. The exact translation of the blog post is like this:
“I just received an important collection of photos. Most of them are more than one hundred years old. The images are fascinating not only because they are old but more because they are one of the first photographic images made in Romania. Szathmari, Duschek, Mandy, Reiser, Wandelmann are known names for some of you. Maybe those who are interested in this subject already know that they are the pioneers of the Romanian Photography. I looked at them the whole weekend, I’ve scanned them, I’ve arranged them, I’ve almost slept with them… yes I’ve scanned them, that means that I have the originals on me! Some of the pictures are dated and the oldest is from 1872. We are talking about more than 135 years and they are looking as good as new. (…) Andreas D. Reiser is completing the circle of the photographers-personalities from the end of the century. Married with Duschek’s sister, he arranged a studio in the Oteteleseanu house (this was one of the richest men in the city). He is working along Duschek, taking pictures of the Russian army in the 1877’s war and he will be one of the first who will shoot a panoramic picture of the Bucharest city from Spirii’s Hill, very interesting from the documentary point of view.”
Of course there is a lot more to say but I don’t know all the stories. Anyway at the Romanian Academy there is a wide collection of photographic images. A lot of your great grandfather’s images are deposited there but they are currently unavailable to the public.
interesant se pare ca ai dat de inceputurile fotografiilor in romania !bv
iti dai seama ce surprins trebuie sa fi fost omul asta cand a citit despre un stramos de-al lui?
datorita tie cred ca si-a schimbat imaginea despre tara asta….macar putin.
felicitari! :)
Incantat de cunostinta!
Voi urmari blogul dumitale. Este foarte intetesant.
Alexandros din Grecia, cu amintirile cele mai calde din anii studentiei in Cluj.
Observ ca stra-nepotul lui AD Reiser stie destul de multe despre stramosul sau. Doar ca Reiser a venit ceva mai devreme de 1870 in Romania, in 1868 Bukarester Haus-Kalendar nota “langa hotelul Otetelesanu (Calea Mogosoaiei 23) avea atelier H Zipser, apoi Reiser” – zona ar fi acum pe locul actualului Romtelecom de pe Calea Victoriei, iar activitatea lui Reiser, pe langa cea de fotograf participant la Razboiul de Independenta, s-a concretizat in publicarea unor pliante panoramice ale Bucurestiului si Brailei (Panorama de Bucarest, datata aproximativ 1880, cuprinzand 8 fotografii luate din Dealul Spirei si Panorama urbei Braila in anul 1872, continand 11 fotografii), iar in 1877 apare albumul “Calea ferata militara rusa Fratesti-Zimnicea” (cale ferata ce-a fost demontata imediat dupa razboi; Reiser fusese invitat de rusi sa imortalizeze acest segment strategic).
PS: daca am fost neclar in privinta atelierului lui Andreas D. Reiser revin cu o specificatie: Zipser a avut mai intai atelierul de la Oteteleseanu care a fost apoi preluat de Reiser, care a mai avut un atelier si-n str. Raureanu, langa hotelul Neubauer.
Hy Matthias it’s sadly that you don’t speack the romanian language but i’m glad to hear that you and your family do not fogot us. Best regards from Romania.
My family came to USA from Romania in 1869-70. I have been trying to find my great-great-grndfather’s relatives. His name was Charles Jacob Reiser. The family is Jewish and lived in Sulina and Bucharest. I would appreciate your help.
Fotografii de Andreas Reiser clik pe lincuri
Reiser fotograful cu sotia
Poza facuta de Reiser in Egipt in Cairo
Poza de Reiser
alte poze
Toate pozele în photo wiever
A panorama of Bucharest by Andreas D. Reiser:
It’s the only photo in my possession of the period my great grandfather Andreas D. Reiser was active in Romania.