Azi am primit un mesaj foarte interesant, un mesaj ce ma convinge ca nimic nu e facut degeaba. Dupa ce a vazut “Primii fotografi din Romania“, Matthias Reiser, nici mai mult nici mai putin decat stra-stranepotul celebrulul fotograf Andreas D. Reiser, a decis sa imi scrie. Reiser a fost, alaturi de Szathmari, Duschek si Mandy, unul dintre pionierii fotografiei romanesti.
Comentariul lui Matthias Reiser este urmatorul: “Just read in your blog about romanian photographs in the 19th century and found some very interestiong information on the photographer A.D. Reiser, my great grandfather. Unfortunately I don’t speak any romanian and therefore can only half-guess some of the information. As in my family little is known about the period my great grandfather spent in Romania (about 1872-1883) I am very interested to know more about what might me left of his work in Bucharest. He later went to Alexandria, Egypt. His son, my grandfather continued his atelier until 1914 in Alexandria and then in Munich, Germany, where A.D. Reiser had originally come from. I would be happy to hear from you. Best wishes, Matthias”
Ma gandesc la faptul ca il putem ajuta asa ca spread the word. Daca sunt printre voi pasionati, invatati, profesori, academicieni sau pur si simplu aveti informatii despre celebrul fotograf, sunteti mai mult decat bineveniti sa le postati dar in engleza, stranepotul e neamt :).