Gustave Le Gray – Brig on the Water, 1856

Pentru cine credea ca tehnologia HDR este o inventie relativ recenta, o performanta a generatiei photoshop, uite ca nu e asa :).

Gustave Le Gray (Francez, 1820–1884) a fost primul ce a rezolvat problema expunerii corecte atat a cerului cat si a solului intr-o singura imagine. Practic a expus doua negative pe placi de stica, una cu expunerea corecta pentru cer si o a doua cu expunerea corecta pentru sol. Placile erau ulterior suprapuse pentru obtinerea printului final.

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Train Wreck at Montparnasse 1895

The Gare Montparnasse became famous for a derailment on 22 October 1895 of the Granville-Paris Express that overran the buffer stop. The engine careened across almost 30 metres (98 ft) of the station concourse, crashed through a 60-centimetre (24 in) thick wall, shot across a terrace and sailed out of the station, plummeting onto the Place de Rennes 10 metres (33 ft) below, where it stood on its nose.

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