Where this picture was made?


I have a surprise for the nosiest of you. Click here and you’ll find the locations where I have made some of my portfolio pictures.

Am pregatit o surpriza pentru cei mai curiosi dintre voi. Gasiti aici locatiile unde am facut o parte din fotografiile ce compun portofoliul meu.

Beyond a simple portrait

alex galmeanu - self-portrait

Alex Galmeanu – Self-portrait

I have fun considering this self-portrait far more than a portrait. It is truly deep and complete. It is like you are’nt see only a face, only the surface but you are entering deep into the soul. When you are going to shoot a portrait, you are really want to discover the personality of the subject, to describe it as better as possible. I wonder if the form of the brain helps or not. :)

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Every Wednesday like clockwork…

Am descoperit un eveniment interesant si sunt convins ca merita sa mergeti. In fiecare miercuri un actor sau cineast roman prezinta un film ce ii place. Totul se intampla la ora 20:00 intr-un cinematograf organizat ad-hoc la Orange Concept Store pe Calea Victoriei langa Magazinul Muzica. Saptamana asta actorul Andi Vasluianu (a jucat in Hartia va fi albastra, Marilena de la P7) propune filmul “Amores Perros”. By the way, intrarea este libera. :)

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frequently asked questions

Usually I receive a lot of questions by email, questions about my photography or the photography in general.  I’m sure that the answers are interesting for other peoples and maybe it is a good idea to make this public. So if you have questions, just post them here. I promise I’ll answer all of you.

De obicei primesc o gramada de intrebari pe mail. Intrebari legate de fotografiile pe care le fac dar si despre fotografie in general. Sunt sigur de faptul ca raspunsurile sunt interesante pentru mai multi dintre voi si cred ca e bine sa le fac publice. In concluzie, daca aveti intrebari va rog sa le postati aici. Promt sa raspund tuturor.

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