Primii fotografi din Romania


Am primit zilele trecute o importanta colectie de fotografii, cele mai multe dintre ele mai vechi de un secol. Sunt fascinante, nu doar ca imagini sau vechime ci pur si simplu sunt printre primele imagini fotografice realizate in Romania. Szathmari, Duschek, Mandy, Reiser, Wandelmann sunt nume cunoscute pentru unii dintre voi. Probabil cei interesati stiu ca ei sunt printre pionierii fotografiei romanesti. Tot weekend-ul am stat cu ochii in ele, le-am privit, le-am scanat, mai ca am dormit cu ele in brate… da le-am scanat, adica am fotografiile originale! O parte din imagini sunt datate iar cele mai vechi sunt din anul 1872. Vorbim de mai bine de 135 de ani si arata impecabil. Trebuia sa imi vedeti fata, zambetul trada totul.

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American Girl in Italy


“American Girl in Italy” este una din clasicile lucrari ale lui Ruth Orkin. In 1951 ea a calatorit in Israel avand un angajament din partea Filarmonicii Israeliene. Dupa ce a trait cateva luni in acolo, ea si-a continuat calatoriile in Italia. In Florenta a intalnit un student la arte ce ii va deveni subiect pentru o fotografie ilustrativa intitulata “Don’t Be Afraid to Travel Alone”.

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The Saigon Execution


On the second day of the Tet Offensive, Edward Thomas Adams and an NBC news crew heard gunfire. They followed the noise to a street corner where South Vietnamese soldiers were leading a handcuffed Viet Cong captive to Lt. Col. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, chief of the South Vietnamese National Police. Assuming the prisoner was about to be interrogated, Adams raised his camera to capture the moment. Instead, he took a picture of Lung shooting the prisoner in the head. (Adams later learned that the prisoner was a Viet Cong officer responsible for slaughtering an entire family.)

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Dali Atomicus


It took 26 tries and over five hours to have this image done. Philippe Halsman made this picture in 1948 and the subject was Salvador Dali himself. Of course, all that you see in the image was an real act in front of the camera, no ticks or retouch. No more than three assistants threw the cats, one threw the water from a bucket and Halsman’s wife held the chair.

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Antonescu’s last pictures


I’m sure that some of you already know the pictures and the history of this man but I have to publish these images here anyway. It is very strange for me to see the eyes of a man who will know he will die in the next minutes. In this kind of pictures I really identify the true power of photography. This man died more than 60 years ago but this touching face expression it is still printed and somehow alive.

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